Salomé Wu (b. 1996, China) is a multi-disciplinary artist whose practice involves oil painting, printing on silk, installations, and performance. As a teenager, Salomé admired a teacher who encouraged her to pursue training in calligraphy and painting. Her work examines otherworldliness through translations and ever-evolving reinterpretations of a mythology, formed from her observation of time, fragility, and the interplay between reality and the unseen. Understanding herself primarily as a global citizen, Salomé works to keep her art devoid of contemporary models of identification and taxonomy, relying on obliquely biomorphic figures to populate her work. Across mediums, she presents a nonlinear journey, weaving together seemingly disparate moments to unveil previously concealed narratives. Salomé lives and works in London, UK.
Of her work, she says: I hope that when people experience my work, they are able to relate to the stories they contain, merging their own subjectivities with the presented narratives. Within this practice, I am particularly drawn to instances of lamentation – I find much of my art bears a common expression of grief and sorrow. However, I would be remiss to erase all joy from my work. Perhaps, instead, these are the poles between which my work oscillates, trying to evoke the power of both harrowing loss and intense joy; I find that the interplay of these feelings prove an opportunity to reflect on what's important, and what to cherish.