
Fancy a chat?

Really mad at us?

Want to stock the magazine?

What we're looking for

Interested in prying some sense from our strange present? Send us what you’ve got! The best way to get a feel for what we’re into is by reading previous issues of the magazine (we know, we know), but: we’re looking for fiction (short stories, coherent novel excerpts, anything that might be deemed “flash”), poetry (just no goddamn footnotes, please), criticism of the feather-ruffling sort, reporting that tells the truth but tells it slant, and personal essays that have sentiment but aren’t sentimental.

If what you’ve got doesn’t fit neatly into any of these genre distinctions, we’d probably love it too. We’re not interested in tepid punditry, stale takes on things you’ve already read stale takes on, stories that feature sex with aliens (unless it’s really steamy), writing that strongly suggests that the author owns a large boat (again, unless it’s a really large boat), or anything your grandparents might circulate to their rotary club.

What We'll Consider

  • Fiction — short stories, flash fiction, novel excerpts, & all cross-disciplinary work
  • Essay — reported features, personal/critical essays, creative long-form, opinions, polemics, interviews, & profiles
  • Criticism — art, books, film, music, theater, & broad cultural commentary
  • Poetry — epic, lyric, satirical, & prose
  • Artwork — photography, painting, drawing, collage, video stills, documentation of performance, & anything in between
  • Illustration — (If you'd like to illustrate for print or web features, please do shoot us your portfolio.)

Keen to contribute, or apply to our 2021 Short Fiction Competition?

Submission Guidelines

  • Please let us know what you're submitting in the subject line — i.e. Fiction, Essay, Criticism, Poetry, or Visual.
  • We don't mind a long pitch, or a short one. Should you have something drafted, feel free to attach a copy.
  • We're looking for work that hasn't been published in any form. Besides that, we have few preferences beyond strong sentences and clear thoughts.
  • All contributors are financially compensated for their work.
  • For the Fiction Competition: You must not already have a publishing deal, and the submission must be under 10,000 words.